Tuesday, June 23, 2009

3rd annual bawcomville Redneck Christmas parade taking early entries

As I stood looking across the Riser Elementary school parking lot I was amazed by the creativity of this state actually of a tri state area. Several floats came from Arkansas and Mississippi. The first float I looked at had a wreaked car and a clothes line full of socks and underwear that were a sight, next in line I saw a complete deer camp, wait look there are the hunters tied up by the deer. I took a second look and saw a group of boys decorating their four wheelers and after that --floats as far as I could see. In all over 400 entries last year made up a parade that started at the front of the school and went around the school twice and then onto a side street for the Santa floats. It took over an hour just to get the parade rolling and clear the lot.

The 3rd annual bawcomville redneck Christmas parade is rolling out again this year the first Saturday of December . Saturday , Dec 5th,2009- line up starts at 7:30 and then the parade rolls into the street at 10am. it is $10.00 and a new children's toy for all entries large or small. The money goes toward adding to the toy selection for the kids of Bawcomville , la . Bawcomville is a small township right out of west Monroe, la. The first people or groups to sign up will get the prime front of the line.So hurry call 318-388-5858 and reserve your space and get your money in. Riser School is located at 100 Price St,in Bawcomville / West Monroe, La .

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