Sunday, March 31, 2013

times are a changing in the ad business / round up time

Hated to see John Matherne go from KNOE this last week. He was part of who, I thought about, as a KNOE staple. Many years and kids for John--there. 

Saw KNOE Veronica Shirley on the Shreveport news , Vantage had a new office open there.  I hope KNOE has some fill in the blank business cards.

Chris Tingle is the new sales manager at Channel 3 in Shreveport, he was at KTVE/KARD when he was here. 

Big Jim is gone from Radio People , and married

Cynthia Holliday is retired from Radio People.

Susan Allain is at Vantage and is happy as a clam. Working with me quite a bit. Fun to be able to do that again. Susan and I have been friends lots of years.

Chris Zimmerman is in Tampa , running one of the top market stations.

Mike Downhour is the General manager of OPUS broadcasting, and doing a great job.

Cottrell Designs is riving back up.... Joker is over there designing and he is one of the best in the industry.     Lot's of new equipment and still on Oliver Road in Monroe, in that little store front. They have saved me so often on political signs and also recently got some car magnets for a client done overnight along with some banners.

#monroemedia, #KNOE,  #Cottrell designs , #OPUS Broadcasting , #political signs , #overnight printing, #Radio People, Monroe printing , #political banners

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Today last day of spring market

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Herbs, great seasoning tips and grow tips

Have you ever wanted to know how to #cook with #herbs, how to #grow herbs #organically, where do you find herbs that have not been radically changed for shelf life   Come to the Yak's Herb Workshop , March 28th, Thursday at either 12:15 or 5:15. When you come in to registrar, go ahead and order your herb plants for a discount.   

#Yak’s  #Nursery Plant Sale

Herbs: thyme, oregano, fennel, basil,
 cilantro, chives, parsley, dill
$2. each or $8. for 6 pack
Ask about herb workshop !
March 28th, Thurs @ 12:15 or 5:15.
Must register and pay in advance.
$8. or save $3. if you have bought your plants from us in advance.

$2. for 6 pack
Tomato-hybrid, heirloom

6 pk ($2.) or hanging basket ($     ):
Begonia or Petunia

Natural Wellness Center
Dr. Carolyne Yakaboski,
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Doctor of BioNutrition
2106 N. 7th St, Suite 132
W.Monroe, LA 71291